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My goal is to one day turn Alliance for Humans and their Pets (AHHP) into a top-rated nonprofit group. A core tenant of AHHP is to give those that find themselves in homelessness a sense of hope and belonging by providing them everyday essentials so they can focus on getting back on their feet and pursuing their dreams.


Eventually, AHHP strives to be a major player in getting homeless people and their pets off the street by teaming up with local mental health, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, offering staffing services to get them back to work and support services for safe housing of their pets while they work.

I know this all seems dreamy and frankly it is...but anyone that knows me, knows I'm a dreamer.


For now, I'm going to do what I can, with what I have and that's providing those in need with my very own survival packs that I put together and pass out to those in need.

Anything that you're able to contribute helps.

Thank you for your support.

- Matt Pilon, Founder

VENMO @matt-pilon


When you donate to AHHP, this is where your money is going:

  • Gallon sized ziplock bag that contains: (2) pairs of thick socks, (1) pack of travel size Kleenex, (2) granola bars, (1) disposable toothbrush/paste/floss, (1) pack of anti-bacterial wipes, (1) bottled water, (1) encouraging note with resources listed for help.

  • If the person has a dog, I also add (2) quart sized bags of dog food and (1) extra water.

My goal is to expand this into adding more essential supplies such as feminine care kits, chapstick, sunscreen, gift cards for food, blankets and clothes among other essentials.

If you or your business are a wholesaler and interested in donating these supplies or others please reach out to

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