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Hi, I'm Matt!

After years of telling myself I need to do more to help homeless people and their pets, I'm finally taking action.

Living in Southern California, there’s rarely a street or freeway off-ramp you don’t see someone in need, holding a sign with their head bent down in shame. Sometimes these people are alone and heartbreakingly enough, sometimes they’re flanked by their beloved pet(s).

Although each persons circumstance is different, it’s hard for me not to find compassion regardless of how or why they got to that place in their lives. No one deserves to be without a roof over their head, a place to bathe themselves, clean clothes or a warm meal. The same can be said for their pets and that's why we're not leaving them behind in this dream to help as many as possible.

As a life-long pet owner myself, I know pet owners treat their animals like an extension of their family. They eat when you eat, they sleep in your bed, they provide you love, affection and companionship like no-one else can. There is nothing like the bond between human and pet.

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